What is the history of YES Home?
Youth Encouragement Services, Inc., YES, is a non-profit organization founded to meet the needs of the children of Dearborn County. It's membership is composed of interested citizens from the fields of education, law enforcement, public welfare and community churches.
Dearborn County YES Home, located off Ind. 48 in Aurora, IN is a emergency and long-term residential facility serving abused, abandoned and neglected children and those youths classified as status offenders.
The home was founded in 1981 through the cooperative efforts of YES Inc. and Dearborn County government officials and is situated on land leased from the county.
The YES Home, licensed by the Indiana Department of Public Welfare to serve a maximum of ten children, accepts referrals from juvenile courts, Department of Public Welfare, parents or child service agencies in Dearborn County.
The YES Home is supported by fees, United Fund, memberships, contributions and fund-raising activities.
What are the admission requirements?
The YES Home serves boys and girls from the ages of 12 to 20. The program of the home is designed to serve the needs of children classified as truants, runaways, incorrigibles, abused, neglected, or abandoned children.
To refer a child to the YES Home, contact Youth Encouragement Services by email at www.yeshome.org/admissions.
Applications will be individually evaluated and if placement in the home is determined to be appropriate, the referral agency will be contacted for further information.
What treatment and services do you provide?
It is the objective of the program to provide a safe, nurturing, structured, home-like setting which approximates somewhat a family-living experience. Professional, dedicated, and committed staff encourage residents to recognize who they are, what they are capable of, and to begin a journey towards becoming independent, productive, caring adults. Our Resident Technicians provide positive role models, consistent reinforcement of natural and logical consequences that are the result of personal choices.
in 2016, The YES Home participated in a trauma informed learning community and strives to address our youth's needs through a trauma informed lens. We understand that early childhood trauma influences the health and well being of our youth and families. We apply universal precautions with all of our youth and their families, understanding that most people have been exposed to trauma at some level.
Resident’s medical and dental services are obtained through local providers.
Residents participate in learning daily living skills, goal setting, conflict resolution, anger management skills, daily chores and community service projects.
Individual and group therapy, family counseling, behavior modification, and activity therapy are provided on site by our YES Home Therapist who is contracted through Choices Coordinated Care Solutions.
Participation in school, community, and church activities are strongly encouraged. Residents serve at North Dearborn Food Pantry, the Ripley County Humane Society, the Dearborn County Clearinghouse as well as with churches or other community partners. Giving back to the Community is something YES tries to instill in residents.
YES realizes that for the youth, removal from home is a traumatic experience, and we make every attempt to keep children in their home schools. This eases their stress and keeps them in their community. Students participate in a daily study hour with a local teacher provides residents with an opportunity to improve study skills and improve academic achievement. Residents are encouraged to become active in school activities and community.
The YES Home encourages re-establishment of children to a loving secure family. We work with Case Managers from several intensive family organizations to assist in a successful reunification.
What type of program does YES have?
Residents will be required to participate in the YES program that consists of 4 phases. Each phase has a variety of tasks that must be completed including, but not limited to, Change Company journals, treatment plans, autobiographies, and learning plans. For each phase the biggest task however is internal change. One must be able to demonstrate through daily behaviors, communications and presentations that change has occurred. Extra privileges are earned with each phase progression and are determined by the treatment team.
How long is a youth allowed to stay?
YES is both an emergency care shelter, (up to 20 days) and a longer term qualified residential treatment program for youth who meet QRTP requirements.
The YES Home aims to increase personal growth with the end goal of family reunification, whenever possible. When the situation is unfavorable in the home, placement in foster care is considered when available, or remaining at YES may be the alternative until a foster home can be located.
What about the staff?
The staff includes an Executive Director, Program Coordinator, Case Manager, Operations Manager, and Resident Technicians.
The Executive Director oversees the operation of the home, including licensing compliance, fundraising and overall vision of the home.
The Case Manager recommends counseling and determines a treatment program designed to fit the individual needs of each child.
Our Operations Manager oversees the day to day operations of the facility.
Trained Resident Technicians provide nurturing, discipline, and guidance with 24 hour supervision.
The staff is augmented when necessary by qualified community professionals.
How do you prepare the residents for adulthood?
Independent Living Skills are taught to residents. We use the Ansell Casey life skills assessment, which determines individual life skills for each resident. A learning plan is created for each other. Soft skills are taught throughout every aspect of the YES program.
Residents are encouraged to hold part time jobs during the school year and full-time jobs during the summer. Residents are required to save one half of their wages and are allowed to spend the rest as they see fit.
Groups and field trips will be implemented for residents, to teach and practice the skills they need as they approach adulthood.
Examples of Skill areas covered:
Budgeting and Finances
Employment, including mock interviews, applications and job search
Cooking and Menu Planning
Where and How to Get Insurance
A Driver's License